Thursday, January 14, 2010

well, this isn't a post about any design trends etc...but trends, in general...

we notice around us, a rapid influx and outflux of fashions, trends, "in" things...and the like..

i just saw a small kid wearing a chain on his pant (d type that goes from the front pocket to the ass pocket of a jean?)...and was taken back about 12 years...when i was also a school going kid..and used to wear such a contraption, attached to my wallet...(which contained a maximum of Rs.15 at a high point, and a reserve Rs.50 tucked away neatly beneath a pic of "Dagdushet" in one of the photo pockets..)

and was left do trends form...or for that matter, how do we "move on" from what was the fashion / trend / hep thing to do, two days back....?

for me, it is always functionality above anything else..(apart from my piercings..which my mom thinks are a waste of body space.. :P)
anything i wear / carry, has some or the other my ever-present knap-sack / contains mouth freshners (for you-know-what-moments) , a bottle of hand sanitizer, and myriad other contents, which cannot be revealed on a family * snicker snicker * blog... ;)

and then, i have all d jewelery on me, for the fashion part of it...d quintessential thumb ring..nice, fat bracelet / manacle / armlet in d right hand...and my ancient timex triathlon watch...(been using it since 1999..and refuse to use / accept a new one...have changed d belt, part of d dial, and batteries...and i WON'T change it!)

and then there is my jabra...fashionable pendant + high utility bluetooth headset..
pic below.. (yes, i am a HUGE show-off)

but i guess what really sets me apart, is my ear-studs / rings / crazy, wannabe ear-pieces...!!

so i think, i make my own fashion...and start my own trends... ;)

what do you do? :P

so, as is the trend of changing trends[ ;) ], it is really hard to imagine, that this piece of furniture will be obsolete in a few years>>>>

wonder what's next....? :D

NjoY LyF bloggers!! :D

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