as lyf goes on, u realise that along the way,u hav left many traces of your existence in the lives of others...and also your own...
traces...some you wish to proudly announce to the world as being your own...and some...u hide away from...
alng the way,u keep lifting some burdens too...and the more you lift,the more are the possibilities of your back becoming stronger...with each burden,increases your strength...and the ability to face heavier loads down the line.....
as they say,the man lifting the heavier cross,is the one who will ultimately be able to use it in his last moments, to cross over to the "other" side....
well,here's hoping my cross is the heaviest...cuz i aint afraid o d weight...jus worried whether my detesters will be able to protect their eyes from the brighness my fire will create.....:)
NjoY LyF!!!! :D