Saturday, October 22, 2011

Tree-ally bad :(

The beautiful rubber tree...
from my balcony i always used to see...

in rains it looked like a majestic umbrella...
in the suns it used to provide shade like a good fella... :D

many a rainy days and evenings i spent...
looking at the raindrops fall off it's shoulders magnificent...

and it hid from prying neighbors...the door to my room...
now privacy has taken a sudden fall...and gone to it's doom..!! :O

for my beautiful green friend has been felled by the corporation...
no end i can see to my grieving...this empty sensation..!!

my friend was cut down...oh how he bled white blood...
tears came non was like a flood..!! :(

oh dear rubber tree...we won't forget thee...
in our minds and photos u will live for...eternity..!! :)

- dedicated to a rubber tree just outside my room balcony...which was felled today... :)

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