Thursday, April 15, 2010

emotional maturity...

before u start thinking i am finally going to write something serious, let me tell you this....

Yes, i AM going to...

and yes, i know i have ranted about this in the past, but i guess none went that far into the archives of my blog now, did they? ;)

if u did, my earlier notions of maturity were somewhat similar to >> onto today's discussion....

 what IS maturity...or growing up, you ask me?

well, it is simply having knowledge of all that you need to...and letting the calm sink in...going to a place, from where it will be damn difficult...if not impossible...for anyone to move you...

someone described me as "the problem solver"....well, maybe i WAS that for her...but i haven't been so for everyone...more likely names would be disaster-magnet...idiotic juvenile...and some such...from those who know me from before ...

but well, i found a great way to overcome all anxiety....and revel in the calm of  un-movableness...if that makes's not a word, i need for smart alecs to point that out.... ;)

and the simple path to achieve that know that the universe acts like a simply gives you what you ask it for...

you keep thinking of your mortgages...?
you're bound to get those oooollllddd loans re-financed...
(in layman terms, get a new loan to repay the old loan)

you keep sulking that you can't find the right guy/girl...?
u r gonna keep attracting the wrong kind of people in your life...

but on the other hand, for example, ask for peace of mind...keep thinking about it...
and voila! ur most loathed home atmosphere becomes all calm n cool...!!!

start thinking positively about yourself....and know that you are good enough.....
and presto! you suddenly find a person that makes u feel the same way...!!!

it's really simple actually....u need to think about  all the good things u require in your life....and they are bound to happen..!!

but the problem lies mainly in one area...

i have been thinking about negatives and worrying about them for all my do i change the habit?

there's good news in store for don't need to....just tweak it a bit...

to simplify, let me use a proverb...

Expect the best. Prepare for the worst.
-Zig Ziglar.

and NO, that is not a name i made up...the guy's name really IS that!! :P

1.Expect the best - keep thinking about what u need...and try to act as if u have achieved it..(not in a stupid manner though)..get a feel of how you will behave once u have got that thing...achievement...or simply that feeling.....

the universe is bound to make it happen for you...

(p.s.: HATE SRK for stealing that line and giving it his brand - "poore dil se kisi cheez ko chaho, to saari kaynaat use tumse milane me lag jaati hai"... or some such...
says OSO :-|

2.prepare for the worst...

this is the tricky part...

well, just as u get what you want, if u prepare yourself  for what you don't want, u r  giving out the signal, that you are ready to face the worst consequences...

as if you are saying - bring it on, life...i can face it...

and believe me, problems are the biggest "fattu"s u have ever known....they fade away at the slightest hint of preparedness from you....

and mark my word...this WORKS>

it simply does...
i have experienced it myself...

and am working on the biggest utility of this trick, right now....let's see how effective this trick really is, eh?

will definitely let you guys know when that works out....

(mind you, i did not say IF and's just a matter of "when" now)

until then, this is Aqua Baba signing out ;)

NjoY LyF!!! :D


Unknown said...

thank u harshu baba for sharing ur divine knowledge with us.. perhaps i shud get hooked on hookah as well to become "DIVINE" like u :P

Unknown said...


shutup Sree....mere relatives bhi padhte hai mera blog....

naah.....who cares? :P

come down to India...we can share loadsa hukka then... :D

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