Thursday, March 04, 2010

unintentionally funny....

 (i mean..really??)

recently i saw some rather funny signs / people / websites....where actually, they were not intended to be so....

( caution - this writer has sharp wit)

 (specially notice no.5)

THAT explains what my friend's roomie used to do for 2 hrs in the loo..gee...i sure hope he didn't put the fishing rod-hook in there, AFTER he was done with his business... :-| * puke *

(he WAS sorry...c'mon!)

 (we DO care about the animals' DIET)

 [this one's going into my hotel, if n when i buy one, for sure... ;)]

and now, we move on to the U-F-Website of the century. :D

well, since the last restraining order by my ex, i have become a bit wary of legal action against me, be it for personal, or blog-content reasons...

so i won't quote the name of this site...let's just call it ""

but OMG!!

this site is fodder for jokes, for at least 3 hours...and that is a pessimistic estimate...

some "exclusive" quotes from the site....

H stated that it was GP's Improvisations, choreographic work which enables him to see the two genres, K and C, generating new information through one single body.

i mean...through one single body??

i thought "seeing" in this context would be through the mind....or the "single body" would be of dance....but no. generating new information through one single body. :-|

The Centre is running in full swings giving access to its students to perform, nurture and mould their creative minds.

i am sure the students are "moulding their creative minds" (?? wtf ??)...on the "full swings"...

pity them though...i m sure none of them had imagined classes in swings...i guess they are just trying to bring in some kind of novelty here...i classes in studios? ah...that is SO passe.... :P

crap. and i thought going outta d country, would improve one's english...!! :(

We at the centre, belief everyone moves in some way or the other, to get over stress, fit and connected to our bodies


and WE "belief" that India will be the top contributor to the movement for screwing up English by 2010-end...oh wait...this site has already arrived there!

i mean, that sentence DOES NOT make sense. neither does the syntax help.

is it just me, or does the sentence have severe voyeuristic undertones??? :O

Its not about what your body is outside its what we can do with it!

ok. this one is purely suggestive. :-|

WHAT DO you wanna do with my body??? :O

these are a few select of the sentences on the site...i can't cite others, as they will lead to compromising the identity of the website owners etc...

but after reading this much, i had to stop. severe stomach ache due to continuous laughter for 2 hrs.

MS and me had a GR8888 time dissecting this one...sentence by sentence.... :P

NjoY LyF bloggers!! :D


Syed Mudassar said...
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Syed Mudassar said...

AWESOME !!!!!!!!!! this is on of the finest blogs you have ever posted ..... i mean the topic itself is such ke one cannot help but laugh and your command over ENGLISH is exemplary .In these sad and bad times when GOOD DAYS OF ENGLISH ARE WENT LONG AGO you blog has provided readers with some good comic relief ... i am falling short of words as well as time to describe the content of your post if i had more time i wud surely have written a blog on your blog (hows that for some english) ...... Cheers !!!! keep writing :) Balle ......

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